morning routine

美 [ˈmɔːrnɪŋ ruːˈtiːn]英 [ˈmɔːnɪŋ ruːˈtiːn]
  • 晨间例事;平淡乏味的早晨
morning routinemorning routine
  1. After rolling out of bed and rushing through my morning routine , I walk out of my room , which is as hot and smoky as a kitchen . No sooner have I stepped out of the halfway than I run head-on into autumn , almost to be knocked back !


  2. What is your current morning routine and is it setting you up for success ?


  3. He dropped the habit as part of an overhaul of his morning routine .


  4. Create a morning routine ( and an afternoon routine and an evening routine ) .


  5. Sometimes you just need to change up your morning routine , and fall is a great time to do so .


  6. If you are so inclined , you can even include a little exercise in your morning routine .


  7. According to my estimated times above , my ideal morning routine will take me 2 hours and 35 minutes .


  8. For many people , defining and sticking to a morning routine can help ensure a smooth start to the day .


  9. Do you go through the morning routine without much thought at all , doing what you have to do to start your day ?


  10. Look for moisturizers with SPF to save space in your medicine cabinet and time during your morning routine .


  11. Find something that 's pleasurable for you , and allow yourself to do it as part of your morning routine .


  12. If you want to start planning realistically , write down how long you think it takes you to do your morning routine .


  13. In March 2014 , the Houston couple walked into a Whole Foods as part of their Sunday morning routine .


  14. Within your morning routine , carve out a minute 60 seconds to be silent , by yourself .


  15. Your morning routine may go as follows : have breakfast , brush teeth , shower , then head out to start your day .


  16. Nowhere is this more true than with your morning routine : the way you start your day is often the way that you finish it .


  17. Within your morning routine , carve out a minute -- 60 seconds -- to be silent , by yourself .


  18. One Sunday night , it kicked off my morning routine over and over , with lights blazing and heater blasting .


  19. My morning routine starts by pouring a cold glass of water , while some people kick off their day with ten minutes of meditation .


  20. Since that time , I have tried to be very intentional with my morning routine and as a parent , the morning routines of my children .


  21. I can just tap to erase blemishes on my face - meaning my lazy morning routine doesn 't impact my online persona .


  22. When it comes to my morning routine , ideally a hub would know I was awake because my activity tracker would tell it I 'm stirring .


  23. Typically , Fiala arrives at the destination the night before , which allows her to keep her morning routine of exercise and tea with lemon .


  24. The first few hours of the work day can have a significant effect on your level of productivity over the following eight - so it 's important you have a morning routine that sets you up for success .


  25. They say doing so makes sports practices end late , jeopardizes student jobs , bites into time for homework and extracurricular activities , and upsets the morning routine for working parents and younger children .


  26. Establish a Morning Routine : Rather than throwing the dice to decide what time you are going to wake up each day , decide upon a set time that works well for you and stick to it .


  27. My morning routine varies little from day to day . I walk the dog , eat breakfast at the kitchen counter with Katie and Matt , then settle in for a day at the computer .


  28. The one that was by far the most commented upon was " Tapping the Power of Your Morning Routine ," in which I detailed how20 CEOs get the most out of their early-morning time .


  29. Checking emails in bed or rushing to get dressed will not set you up for the day in the best way , says Benjamin Spall , co-founder of My Morning Routine , an online collection of interviews with successful people about their morning habits .


  30. For starters , there 's the opening verse , which is just a straight up narration of what Rebecca 's morning routine consists of (" Gotta get down to the bus stop / Gotta catch my bus / I see my friends ") .
